Education Initiatives
Here at Maya First, a US based non-profit organization located in Wisconsin we are dedicated to helping the native Maya children of Belize obtain a complete education. Many cannot afford school past the age of 12, as the Maya tend to have large Christian families with many mouths to feed and limited incomes. Typically, the families can only afford to put one or two children through school. This alone puts an economic strain on the families. Through high school they have to pay for their child's education. It is well known how important education is, especially educating girls; "Education helps men and women claim their rights and realize their potential in the economic, political and social arenas," from www.right-to-education.org. And also, from the same website, "The right of girls to education is one of the most critical of all rights – because education plays an important role in enabling girls and women to secure other rights. Maya First is proud to have sponsored 10 local children in San Antonio in 2014. In 2013 Maya First was also able to help out at the local schools in San Antonio with our work shop building desks, chairs and much needed bathroom doors for one of the schools. In 2012, we brought computers to 2 area schools, along with generously donated books, backpacks, soccer uniforms and equipment.

Maya First Academy
The Maya First Academy was created in July of 2012 with the help of Maya First, for the local children whose parents could not afford the tuition for the local schools in San Antonio. It provided a structured environment where they could learn some basics. Unfortunately staffing was on a purely voluntary basis which proved to be unsustainable. The Academy was forced to close in February of 2013 due to lack of funds.
San Antonio R.C. School

United Pentecostal School