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Shocking Destruction in Maya First's Rain Forest Preserve

Our 50 acre Virgin Rainforest preserve was recently scarred when logging trespassed and cut down dozens of trees, clear cutting a large area. The men claimed to not know the boundaries and talk of planting Cocoa. That was the story they told after being confronted, but selling the timber was clearly their motivation.

The Belize government has very limited resources and the poaching of timber is a big problem. The Maya First organization is working toward patrolling the land and vulnerable areas. When some of our Maya First Academy students get a little older, they may be enlisted as scouts to patrol and report this kind of destruction early so that it can be stopped in a timely manner.

We desperately need financial support to construct a Burm and to install some fencing to help protect the preserve.

Our Rainforest is unique in that sufficiently near the transition from Pine forest to Broad Leaf forest. This unique area has great pharmacological potential and has not been as intensely studied as other areas. Our Ethno-botanist and our Bush Doctors will soon explore this area.

The River, nearby public lands and the remote location make this a most wonderful place on earth. Abundant wildlife and Jaguars freely roam this preserve. One day we hope to convince our historical researcher (and chief skeptic) to write about some of the mystical experiences he has had there. His stories are extraordinary!

Any help protecting this incredible area will be greatly appreciated - email us at today and see how you can help!

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